
The Insurance Industry in Africa

Where something doesn’t exist, only gives the potential for it to exist for those that can envision and mould the future. This strongly applies to the insurance industry in African countries. Where most developing countries have polished their secondary sector of their economy, it is only time for them to develop and nurture a tertiary sector barring any major setbacks. A secondary sector is when an economy can use its raw materials to produce manufactured goods.

Measuring The Effectiveness Of Digital Promotional Activity For Business

Level 2 Certificate in Digital Promotion for Business (601/6673/3)

Unit 08 Measuring the effectiveness of digital promotional activity for business (H/507/4160)

In this NCFE unit we will investigate and apply a range of digital promotional activities.

Understanding the process and benefits of measuring digital promotional activities.

Build your home in Africa

They usually live in villages with other people of the same ethnic group. While some villages have houses made of modern materials such as cement and metal, many people still live in houses made of clay or dried mud with roofs of grass or palm leaves. A description of common village life in Africa, this is true. Then there is a new Africa were I believe building a modern house in Africa will be an investment. My father always said buy your own land and build on it. OK it can't be that easy! Building a property in Africa, well you just have to plan it.

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